Thursday, 29 August 2013

Tree Planting with the Young Naturalist Club

On August 14, 2013 my family and I had a blast learning about trees and planting them. We got to pick one from a bunch of trees planted it to help the forest grow!

We did a game called huga tree. It's where you have a
blindfold on and you have to find a tree and feel it then you
have to go back to the groop. then you take off your tree.

Finily we went and pulled noxious weeds out of the
ground. I like going to nature nights!

Laura Bolster,
an Alberta Rambler

 We went tree planting and it was fun.
We weeded to and it was not fun. We played a game, it was really fun.
 The game was called hug a tree.  I like to plant trees, I planted a forest and
it is cool! I had fun.

Grace Bolster,
an Alberta Rambler

Lake levels experiments at Ross Lake

Some summer time experiments while out camping that we really liked to do, from our pond discovery pack that we got at Whitney Lake Provincial Park. We had a lot of fun!!

Laura & Grace
The Alberta Ramblers

We are going to catch something.....right Dad?

“Fishing is much less about the fishing, and much more about the time alone with your kid, away from the hustle and bustle of the everyday.”
Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing 
The Alberta Ramblers up early to enjoy some quality time wetting their lines at Ross lake. Here's what they have to say about the beginners rules to fishing.