"See how birds Fluff their feathers to stay warm"
"They do camouflage so they don't become food, I don't think they want that"
Migration Poem
No more flowers,
On the trees,
Said a buzzing,
Bunch of bees...

No green grass,
On which to feast,
Said a wild wildebeest...

It’s too cold,
To flit and fly,
Said a monarch butterfly...

What should we do?
How can we live?
When environments,
Cease to give…
Conditions change,
What's on our plate,
It’s time to move,
We must migrate!
Migration’s moving,
Swim, run, fly,
From a place,
Too cold or dry,
To a place,
Where food is found,
Migration’s moving,
To new ground!
On the trees,
Said a buzzing,
Bunch of bees...
No green grass,
On which to feast,
Said a wild wildebeest...
It’s too cold,
To flit and fly,
Said a monarch butterfly...
What should we do?
How can we live?
When environments,
Cease to give…
Conditions change,
What's on our plate,
It’s time to move,
We must migrate!
Migration’s moving,
Swim, run, fly,
From a place,
Too cold or dry,
To a place,
Where food is found,
Migration’s moving,
To new ground!