Saturday, 29 March 2014

How Animals Survive the Canadian Winter

The Alberta Ramblers are at it again. This time they come to you with breaking news on how animals survive the Canadian Winter.

 "See how birds Fluff their feathers to stay warm"

"They do camouflage so they don't become food, I don't think they want that"

Migration Poem

No more flowers,
On the trees,
Said a buzzing,
Bunch of bees...
bee migration
No green grass,
On which to feast,
Said a wild wildebeest...
wildebeest great migration
It’s too cold,
To flit and fly,
Said a monarch butterfly...
monarch butterfly migration
What should we do?
How can we live?
When environments,
Cease to give…
Conditions change,
What's on our plate,
It’s time to move,
We must migrate!
Migration’s moving,
Swim, run, fly,
From a place,
Too cold or dry,
To a place,
Where food is found,
Migration’s moving,
To new ground!


The observations of young naturalists

March 29th 2014 The Alberta Ramblers headed back to the Wagner Natural Area to finish off working on their Naturalist and Observers badges. Here is what they found.

We did a squirrel video, a deer bed video, a rabbit video, a porcupine video. We went for a nice hike, we saw lots nice tracks and we finished our naturalist and observers badge. It was Awesome!

Grace Bolster,
Alberta Rambler

 We went to Wagners Bog for a hike. we saw plants, animal tracks, and a Squirrel Midden (not Mitten). we did videos for our blog, worked on our Observers badge and Naturists badge. We had a fun time.

Laura Bolster,
Alberta Rambler                                                                                             Squirrel Midden