On June 8th the Alberta Ramblers went out on a beginners bird walk hosted by the Wild Birds Unlimited Store. Among the birds we saw today were Red wing blackbird, Mallards, Gulls, Canadian geese, Red necked Grebes (building a floating nest), House finches, house sparrows, Brewers blackbirds, Common grackles, Common terns, magpies and crows.
"Today I went on a bird walk with my family, hosted by the Wild Birds Store. It is important that we go on bird walks so we can learn there food and habitats so we can protect them and sure they don't die out"
Alberta Rambler

"Today I went Bird watching with the wild birds store. I really like to go on hikes and look for birds. I want to see all the birds in the world. I like to learn about how important nature to us.
Alberta Rambler
We are very happy that there are groups like the Young Naturalist club and the owners of the Wild Birds Ulimited Store to share their time and knowledge with us. Thanks to them we added three new birds to our life list.
Check out Wild Birds Unlimited here http://edmonton.wbu.com/
Thanks so much,
The Alberta Ramblers